Thursday, September 4, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Well today is our FOURTH ANNIVERSARY! I can't believe that I got to marry the man of my DREAMS. I think anyone who knew our original relationship may be surprised that we even ended up together. I am so glad we did though. Our marriage hasn't been challenge free, but I think it is stronger now more than ever. We have the house, the animals, and now we are waiting on the babies. I think we have come along way, but there are some days I wonder what we really have accomplished. I am trying to be more grateful and realize all the blessings we have. I guess since we are having so much trouble with the baby stuff I tend to forget that we have a pretty good life.

Our morning started off with Al getting up and getting ready for work (I get to sleep in since I am unemployed) and he kissed me goodbye. I rolled over and saw that it was only 7:15 so I got up and asked why he had to leave so early. I guess I ruined his surprise he was leaving early to get me Starbucks. I am glad I caught him and was able to give him my order. I quit drinking coffee :( but I guess I forgot to tell Al. When he got home we exchanged cards said our I love you's. Now I sit here blogging while Al is at work. When he gets home we are going to go out for a really nice dinner.

I must say that I really love my husband! He is kind, he always does things for me, and he thinks I am hilarious, which means a lot. We have been talking about going back to church a lot lately. We have started family prayers, reading scriptures, now we just have to go back to church. Al asked me the other night if I wanted to get married in the temple. I was really shocked because church really hasn't been a part of our married life, but I was definitely all tingly after he asked me. So, now we are going to go talk to the bishop and get our lives on the right track. Hopefully, next year we will have been sealed in the temple.

I really, really, really LOVE my Husband. Who else would I trust to be my scuba partner????


Randee Mayes said...

4 years!!! Wow, that's so awesome!! I really hope that you get back in to church, only good things can come of it. Being sealed is such a wonderful blessing that will only strengthen your marriage!!! Love ya!!

Kristen said...

I am so excited that you posted on my blog and that I found yours. Thanks for your post it was a wonderful start to my day! Love you guys and keep us posted for when we should come out for a party!

Kym said...

Hey girl! I just found your blog via Kim's blog. Gotta love it! Congrats on the anniversary this month. I can't believe I'm hitting ten years with Bryan next month. It's just crazy how time flys. Good luck with the temple goal. I'm sure that you'll find this year will just fly by too. Keep me "posted". Hee, hee, hee...a little blog humor. I'm so cheesy.