Monday, August 4, 2008

My Dear Husband...

I should start off saying that I love my husband to death. He is a great person, treats me well, and he loves me. Sometimes though he can be a pain. I go to the doctor a lot. I seem to be one minor health problem after another. It's never anything serious, but I do go to the doctor a few times a year. Well, my dear husband doesn't go to the doctor very often. I feel like I have to force him to go when he is sick. But, when he gets sick, he gets really sick. For example, we'd been married a few months and his legs were bothering him. He thought he pulled a muscle, but it kept getting worse, so finally I talked him into going to the hospital. We spent all night in the e.r. when we finally got back and had a chance to talk to the doctor they almost laughed that we were there for a "pulled muscle," but they did some blood work and come to find out he had about 800 times more than the "normal" enzymes level (or something like that) in his blood. They admitted him and he spent nearly 9 days in the hospital. It was awful.
So back to the present...yesterday we were sitting in the office working on stuff and he kept complaining about his heart. Being the compassionate person I am I told him it was just heartburn or acid reflux (that put him in the e.r. last year) and to go take some medicine. Well, it didn't get better and he seemed to be in quite some pain and we decided (after reading of the internet) that he had some symptoms of a heart attack. So, off to the e.r. again. He had his vitals taken and the triage nurse assured us it was nothing and told us we would have to wait 6 hours to see a doctor. I was pretty frustrated and irritated. Well, she ran and EKG just in case. When she brought back the printout she showed me all the abnormalities and told us we had been moved to the front of the line. I sure felt like a bad wife for having doubted him and making him wait to go to the hospital. Well, we get to the back and they are so full they had to examine him in the hallway. We never did get a room, but they put a note on the white board above Al's head so they wouldn't forget why we were there.

After multiple blood tests and some other tests they decided nothing was wrong with him and sent us home about 9 hours later. I am glad Al's ok, but he can no longer complain about me going to the doctor.


Randee Mayes said...

Poor Ally-poo!!! I'm so glad you're blogging. Now you'll be just as addicted as I am!!!

Senorita said...

Maybe his heart was acheing because he loves you so much it can't contain all of his emotions. :)
PS) I can paint pottery on saturday! YAY!